A Gift of Education

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A gift she'll remember...

Felix in graduation attire

A Legacy of Learning

From the early days of school to a lifetime of curiosity and growth, education shapes who we become. By contributing to our baby’s educational fund, you’re not just giving a gift—you’re investing in a bright future, helping to build a foundation that will support our little one throughout life’s journey. Your generosity will be a part of every lesson learned and every dream pursued.

Sara with pets in graduation attire

Inspired to Educate

We believe in the power of knowledge to open doors and create opportunities. With your help, we can give our child the tools they need to explore the world and make a difference. Your contribution to their education fund is more than just a donation—it’s a legacy of love and wisdom that will carry on for generations.

Future version of our child

A Gift to Be Remembered

We know that every gift comes from the heart, and we want to make sure your kindness is recognized. When you contribute to our baby's education fund, we'll include your name and message in a special keepsake that will grow alongside our child, a reminder of the community that helped to shape their future.

Your donation will be invested in a 529 plan, where it will grow over time and be dedicated to supporting her educational journey.